Zoning Applications and Fees
The Planning and Zoning Office is responsible for assisting customers to comply with the Brevard County Comprehensive Plan and the Brevard County Zoning Code and related ordinances. Before you apply, please refer to the information provided regarding rezoning and variances. This Office is able to provide one on one assistance and guidance to determine the development potential of a property. Please be aware that other governmental review agencies may also affect the development potential of your property.
Item | Base | Unit |
Renewal of a Temporary Security Mobile Home | $277 | |
Temporary Sales Trailer | $277 | |
Flag Lot or Easement by Access Approval | $277 | |
Administrative Waiver - Setbacks, Lot Size, or Dimensions | $277 | |
Accessory Building Square Footage | $277 | |
Approval of a Second Trailer or Recreational Vehicle | $160 | |
Farm Animals as Pets at a Residence, pursuant to Sec. 62-2133 | $43 | |
Commercial Vehicle Parking at a Residence, pursuant to Sec. 62-2132 | $43 | |
Special Events Permit Review | $25 | |
State Alcoholic Beverage License Application Review | $25 | |
All other Administrative Permits or Approvals Required by the Zoning Regulations | $277 | |
Fees Collected for Flag Lot and/or Easement Review | $150 (Land Development) $100 (Address Assignment) | $360 (Natural Resources)
Item | Base | Unit |
(1) Base fee for the first variance or appeal | $598 | |
(2) Each additional variance or appeal on the same property which is part of the same application | $182 |
Item | Base | Unit |
(1) Residential Building Permit (ex. fences) review | $36 | |
(2) Fence Building Permit review | $14 | |
(3) Commercial Building Permit review | $210 | |
(4) Commercial Concurrency review fee | $175 | |
(5) Residential Concurrency review fee | $79 | |
(6) Vesting fee for concurrency per residential unit | $35 | |
(7) Vesting fee for concurrency per 1000 square feet of commercial | $35 |
Item | Base | Unit |
(1) CDD Application Fee | $8,667 | $1,733 |
(2) Maximum Fee | $26,000 |
Item | Base | Unit |
In addition to any other applicable fee for services or applications made in conjunction with a development review | $1,733 |
Item | Base | Unit |
(1) Review Application for Development Approval | $17,334 | $43 per acre |
(2) Determination of Substantial Deviation | $1,733 | |
(3) DRI Review for Substantial Deviation (refund or additional fees determined by staff maintained and Board approved time logs) | $43,335 |
Item | Base | Unit |
(1) Interpretation of a home occupation | $347 | |
(2) Special request under Section 62-1155 (b)(4) | $693 |
Item | Base | Unit |
(1) Zoning use Permit Approval for Business Tax Receipts | $25 | |
(2) Review of Development Applications for Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan & Zoning | $36 | |
(3) Surcharge for Natural Resources review of all Zoning Applications | $300 | |
(4) Written Zoning Verification Fee | $37.50 |
Item | Base | Unit |
(1) Applications for Change in Zoning | ||
(a) General Use and Agricultural Use | $849 | $24 per acre over 5 |
(b) Single-Family Residential | $849 | $24 per acre over 5 |
(c) Single Family Mobile Home | $849 | $24 per acre over 5 |
(d) Single-Family Attached Residential | $960 | $24 per unit |
(e) Multiple-Family Residential | $960 | $24 per unit |
(f) Recreational Vehicle Park | $1,408 | $24 per acre |
(g) Mobile Home Park / Mobile Home Co-op | $1,408 | $24 per acre |
(h) Residential Professional | $960 | |
(i) Commercial / Planned Commercial | $1,184 | $24 per acre |
(j) Tourist Commercial | $1,855 | $45 per acre |
(k) Industrial / Planned Industrial | $1,855 | $45 per acre |
(l) Planned Unit Development | $5,661 | $45 per acre |
(m) Environmental Area | $511 | |
(2) Applications for Conditional Use Permit | ||
(a) All Conditional Use Permits | $849 | |
(b) Surcharge for review of towers and antennae (additional fees may be required if additional services are requested) | $6,934 | |
(3) Applications for Review of Use | $849 | |
(4) Transfer of Development Rights | $1,520 | |
(5) All Other Applications | $849 | |
(6) Base fee adjustments and calculation of total fee | ||
(a) If land area in GU, AU, Single-Family, and Single Family Mobile Home has the potential for only one additional lot | $288 | |
(b) Each conditional use permit or review of use application made in conjunction with a request for rezoning | $447 | |
(c) Each zoning classification requested on property under single ownership or control considered a separate application | ||
(d) Where acreage fees are charged, the acreage fee shall be based on rounding to the nearest acre | ||
(e) Maximum Fees | ||
(1) Maximum Acreage Fees | $2,240 | |
(2) Maximum PUD Fee | $13,432 | |
(3) Maximum - All Others | $8,955 |
Item | Base | Unit |
(1) Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency | $3,692 | |
(2) Board of Adjustment | $1,872 |
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