Save Our Indian River Lagoon Homeowner Grants
The Voluntary Grant Programs support projects to reduce wastewater pollution in the Indian River Lagoon. Funding for these Programs comes from the proceeds of the ½ cent sales tax, with two programs (Septic Upgrade and Septic-to-Sewer) receiving supplemental funding from state/federal grants secured by the Save Our Indian River Lagoon Program. The 3 Voluntary Grant Programs provide financial assistance to eligible property owners to 1.) upgrade from a conventional septic to an aerobic treatment unit (Septic Upgrade Grant Program), 2.) decommission their septic tank and connect to sewer (Septic-to-Sewer (Quick Connects) Grant Program), or 3.) repair their damaged, leaking private sewer lateral line (Private Sewer Lateral Grant Program). Grant funding is available for local governments, organizations and Brevard residents for eligible projects funded by the Save Our Indian River Lagoon Project Plan. Information and application forms follow.
Please refer to the grant programs below for information on how to apply.
Grant Opportunities
Septic Upgrade Grant Program
The purpose of the Septic Upgrade Grant Program is to financially assist property owners to upgrade septic systems that are not feasible to connect to central sewer. Homeowner grants of up to $18,000 are available for eligible homeowners to upgrade their conventional septic system to an advanced septic system. Eligibility amounts are based on a property’s estimated pollution to the groundwater through its septic drainfield.
Eligible property owners have the option of Brevard County Natural Resources paying their licensed septic contractors directly for eligible septic upgrade installations. Not all contractors will accept payment from the County, or they may require a deposit from the homeowner before starting work. Homeowners must still apply and be approved for the septic upgrade grant before starting any septic work.
Who is Eligible for the Grant Program?
Financial assistance is available to registered owners of residential or commercial properties within the Indian River Lagoon watershed in Brevard County, Florida who are interested in upgrading their septic system to an advanced treatment unit. Interested applicants should contact the Save Our Indian River Lagoon Program by email at or (321) 633-2016 to request an application. Once the application and supporting documentation is received and reviewed, Save Our Indian River Lagoon staff will email the applicant to notify them of their approval status, eligible amount for reimbursement, and issue a notice to proceed.
What Expenses are Covered by the Grant Program?
Eligible expenses include design, permits, inspections, materials, equipment, and contract labor. Above ground landscaping and paving directly related to the project may be eligible provided it does not include improvements to property or landscaping beyond the property condition prior to the septic replacement. Labor provided by the applicant or tenant is not eligible for reimbursement under the Program. Assistance under the Program is available to owners of residential or commercial properties identified within the Save Our Indian River Lagoon Project Plan. It is important to note that any costs for maintenance, repairs, or replacements post-installation are solely the homeowner’s responsibility. Labor provided by the applicant or tenant is not eligible for reimbursement under this program. The homeowner is responsible for all additional costs and any ineligible expenses.
Eligible expenses include design, permits, inspections, materials, equipment, contract labor, and connection fees. Above ground landscaping and paving directly related to the project may be eligible provided it does not include improvements to property or landscaping beyond the property condition prior to the septic replacement
Ineligible expenses includes any labor that is provided by the applicant or tenant. Any costs that exceed the eligible reimbursement amount approved by the Grant are the responsibility of the property owner, along with any future costs related to maintenance, repair, and/or replacement.
Conditions for Reimbursement
Grant approval and reimbursement of costs are contingent upon proof that 1.) necessary permits were acquired, 2.) the conventional septic tank was decommissioned and upgraded to an advanced treatment unit and passed inspection by the Florida Department of Health. Supporting documentation must be correct and complete to receive reimbursement. The final contractor invoice, or invoices, must be itemized, detailing each type of cost and its associated amount. Property owners must submit a W-9 form to take part in the program unless they authorize the County to reimburse their licensed contractor on their behalf.
Program Application Procedure
Submit request to for a Septic Upgrade Grant application. Save Our Indian River Lagoon staff can assist in answering any questions regarding the program.
The County will review the property's grant eligibility to determine if the applicant is qualified or more information is needed.
Submit a completed application. The property owner will receive an email once their application is approved letting them know their eligible amount for reimbursement and giving a “notification to proceed”, at which point the work may be scheduled and completed. The property owners or contractors are responsible for obtaining any necessary County or City permits and must schedule and complete all required inspections of the completed work.
Once work is complete, submit: a Grant Reimbursement Request form, copies of required permits and approved final inspection reports, proof of payment if the property owner is being reimbursed (to include a copy of the paid invoice and either a copy of the check(s) or proof of electronic payment), a signed Optional Contractor Authorization form if a pre-qualified contractor is being reimbursed on the property owner's behalf, a completed W-9 form, and an itemized invoice, or invoices, detailing each type of cost and its associated amount.
Septic-to-Sewer (Quick Connects) Grant Program
The Septic-to-Sewer (Quick Connects) Voluntary Grant Program provides financial assistance, in the form of a grant, to property owners to decommission their septic system and connect to a central sewer service line. When properly designed, installed, operated, and maintained, septic systems are often a safe means of disposing of domestic waste. Conventional septic systems are not designed to remove nitrogen. According to a nitrogen loading evaluation for the Save Our Indian River Lagoon Project Plan, each residential septic system can contribute 47 pounds of nitrogen per year to the Indian River Lagoon. Connecting to central sewer requires safe and sanitary decommissioning of the existing septic tanks under the guidance of the Florida Department of Health. Decommissioning an existing septic system and connecting to sewer effectively prevents further wastewater pollution to the Indian River Lagoon. Before applying, property owners should contact their sewer service provider to confirm that sewer service is available for their property. Availability of sewer is contingent on existing infrastructure and the utility’s available capacity.
The Quick Connects Grant Program funds septic-to-sewer connections on a prorated basis of $1,600 per pound of nitrogen (from the property) that is prevented from reaching the Indian River Lagoon, up to a maximum of $24,000 for connection to force main sewer or gravity main connections that require a pump and a maximum of $12,000 for connection to a gravity sewer main (no pump). ; To find out how much total nitrogen your property loads to the Indian River Lagoon 1.) visit and search for your property address on the “Story Map” or 2.) contact the Save Our Indian River Lagoon Program at or (321) 633-2016. Additional funds may be available from state/federal grants to increase the amount you are eligible to receive through the Program.
Who is Eligible for the Grant Program?
Financial assistance is available to registered owners of residential or commercial properties within the Indian River Lagoon watershed in Brevard County, Florida who are interested in decommissioning their septic system and connecting to central sewer. Before applying, property owners should contact their local sewer service provider to confirm that sewer service is available for their property. Interested applicants should contact the Save Our Indian River Lagoon Program by email at or (321) 633-2016 to request an application. Once the application and supporting documentation is received and reviewed, Save Our Indian River Lagoon staff will email the applicant to notify them of their approval status, eligible amount for reimbursement, and issue a notice to proceed with their plumbing work.
What Expenses are Covered by the Grant Program?
Expenses eligible for program reimbursement must be specifically related to decommissioning existing septic systems, installing lines, installing pumps (if necessary), and connecting to central sewer. Assistance will be provided on a reimbursement basis for work which has been completed by a licensed engineer or contractor and approved by the required government entities. Only expenses approved by the County are covered under this program.
Eligible expenses include cleaning and inspection, design, permits, materials, equipment, connection fees, and contract labor required to bring private sewer laterals into compliance with County standards. Above ground landscaping and paving directly related to sewer lateral work may also be eligible only when the work requested will return the disturbed area back to the preconstruction condition.
Ineligible expenses include plumbing work under the foundation of the home and any additional plumbing work on the property. Labor provided by the applicant or tenant is not eligible for reimbursement under the Program. Any costs that exceed the eligible reimbursement amount approved by the Grant are the responsibility of the property owner, along with any future costs related to maintenance, repair, and/or replacement.
For connections within Brevard County Utility Services service area, the Grant can pay the connection fee directly to the Brevard County Utility Services Department. This fee will be deducted from the total grant available to the homeowner for reimbursement of private costs.
For connections outside of Brevard County Utility Services area, property owners and/or their contractor are responsible for acquiring a permit and permission to connect to sewer. Any necessary connection fees are eligible for reimbursement but may need to be paid prior to permitting. All necessary inspections much be scheduled by the property owner or their contractor.
Conditions for Reimbursement
Grant approval and reimbursement of costs are contingent upon proof that 1.) necessary permits were acquired, 2.) the septic tank was decommissioned and passed inspection by the Florida Department of Health, and 3.) the property was connected to central sewer and passed final inspection, in accordance with County Code and any municipal codes. Supporting documentation must be correct and complete to receive reimbursement. The final plumber/contractor invoice, or invoices, must be itemized, detailing each type of cost and its associated amount. Property owners must submit a W-9 form to take part in the program unless they choose to authorize one of the County’s pre-qualified plumbers/contractors to be reimbursed on their behalf.
Program Application Procedure
Contact your local sewer service provider to confirm that sewer connection is available for your property. Availability of sewer is contingent on existing infrastructure and the utility’s available capacity. Below are the contact numbers for each utility:
- Brevard County: (321) 633-2091 or
- City of Cape Canaveral: (321) 868-1220
- Cocoa Beach: (321) 868-3321
- City of Cocoa: (321) 433-8400
- City of Melbourne: (321) 608-7100
- City of Palm Bay (321) 952-3420 or Palm Bay Utility StoryMap
- City of Rockledge: (321) 221-7540
- City of Titusville: (321) 567-3866
- City of West Melbourne: (321) 837-7750
Submit a request to or call (321) 633-2016 for a Quick Connects Grant application. Save Our Indian River Lagoon staff can assist in answering any questions regarding the program.
The County will review the property’s Grant eligibility to determine if the applicant is qualified for the Program or if more information is needed.
Submit a completed application. The property owner will receive an email once their application is approved letting them know their eligible amount for reimbursement and giving a “notification to proceed”, at which point the work may be scheduled and completed. The property owners or contractors are responsible for obtaining any necessary County or City permits and must schedule and complete all required inspections of the completed work.
Once work is complete, submit: a Grant Reimbursement Request form, copies of required permits and approved final inspection reports, proof of payment if the property owner is being reimbursed (to include a copy of the paid invoice and either a copy of the check(s) or proof of electronic payment), a signed Optional Contractor Authorization form if a pre-qualified plumber/contractor is being reimbursed on the property owner’s behalf, a completed W-9 form, and an itemized invoice, or invoices, detailing each type of cost and its associated amount.
Private Sewer Lateral Grant Program
Program Introduction
The Private Sewer Lateral Grant Program provides financial assistance, in the form of a grant, to property owners to repair damaged private sewer lateral lines and cleanouts. Maximum reimbursements are $10,000 for entire lateral replacements or up to $2,000 for smaller repairs to the lateral or cleanout. Private sewer laterals include all piping from the cleanout located near the property structure to the point of connection to the public sewer system, typically located in the street, right of way, or within a county easement. The cleanout portion includes a capped standpipe which connects to the private sewer lateral underground. Underground pipes can leak for a variety of reasons, including age, soil movement and settlement, corrosion, strikes from utilities or landscapers, and tree root infiltration. In addition to leaking wastewater, defective sewer laterals allow rain and groundwater to infiltrate the sewer system. During extreme rain events, wastewater treatment facilities may receive millions of gallons of water due to the infiltration of ground water into cracked private sewer laterals and inflow from rainwater into broken cleanout caps. Not only is it costly to pump and treat these high flow rates, but there is also the risk that high flows will overtax the sewage treatment plant and result in sanitary sewer overflows that release wastewater pollution into the Indian River Lagoon. Repairing damaged private sewer laterals and cleanouts is an important part of restoring a healthy Indian River Lagoon.
Who is Eligible for the Grant Program?
Financial assistance is available to registered owners of residential or commercial properties within the Indian River Lagoon watershed in Brevard County, Florida who 1.) have a documented code case related to a deficiency with their private sewer lateral (this includes deficiencies identified through smoke testing) or 2.) do not have a code case but have identified and documented damage to their private sewer lateral line and/or cleanout. Applicants who do not have a code case violation must submit photographic evidence that clearly documents the damage to their private sewer lateral or cleanout. Grant approval for non-code case applicants is contingent on the applicant providing sufficient photographic evidence of damage. Interested applicants should contact the Save Our Indian River Lagoon Program by email at or (321) 633-2016 to request an application. Once the application and supporting documentation is received and reviewed, Save Our Indian River Lagoon staff will email the applicant to notify them of their approval status and their eligible amount for reimbursement.
What Expenses are Covered by the Grant Program?
Expenses eligible for program reimbursement must be specifically related to the repair or replacement of the private sewer lateral and/or cleanout. Maximum reimbursements are $10,000 for entire lateral replacements or up to $2,000 for smaller repairs to the lateral or cleanout. A finite amount of funding is allocated to this program and grants will be made available on a first come first served basis. Assistance will be provided on a reimbursement basis for work which has been completed by a licensed plumber or contractor. Only expenses approved by the County are covered under this program.
Eligible expenses include cleaning and inspection, design, permits, materials, equipment, and contract labor required to bring private sewer laterals into compliance with County/Municipal standards. Above ground landscaping and paving directly related to sewer lateral work may also be eligible provided the work is limited to returning the disturbed area to preconstruction condition.
Ineligible expenses include any plumbing work under the foundation of the home or any additional plumbing work on the property. Labor provided by the applicant or tenant is not eligible for reimbursement under the program. Any costs that exceed the eligible reimbursement amount approved by the Grant are the responsibility of the property owner, along with any future costs related to maintenance, repair, and/or replacement.
Conditions for Reimbursement
Grant approval and reimbursement of costs are contingent upon the private sewer lateral and/or cleanout being brought up to satisfactory and serviceable condition free of defects, in accordance with County code(s) and any applicable Municipal code(s). Supporting documentation must be correct and complete to receive reimbursement (see Program Application Procedure for details). The final plumber/contractor invoice must be itemized to document the cost associated with each category of work completed. Property owners must submit a W-9 form to take part in the program unless they choose to authorize one of the County’s pre-qualified plumbers/contractors to be reimbursed on their behalf.
Program Application Procedure
Submit a request to or call (321) 633-2016 for a Private Sewer Lateral Grant Program application.
Applicants should let Save Our Indian River Lagoon Program staff know if they 1.) have an active code case violation related to their private sewer lateral/cleanout or 2.) if their damaged private sewer lateral/cleanout is not associated with an active code case. Applicants with a non-code case deficiency should include photographic evidence and written descriptions of the damage to their private sewer lateral/cleanout when they submit their application. The County will review the photographic proof of damage to determine eligibility for the Grant and ask for more information, if needed.
Submit a completed application. The property owner will receive an email once their application is approved letting them know their eligible amount for reimbursement and giving a “notification to proceed”, at which point the work may be scheduled and completed. The property owners or contractors are responsible for obtaining any necessary County or Municipal permits and must schedule and complete all required inspections of the completed work.
Once work is complete, submit: a Grant Reimbursement Request form, proof of payment if the property owner is being reimbursed (including a copy of the paid invoice and either a copy of the check(s) or proof of electronic payment), a signed Optional Contractor Authorization form if a pre-qualified plumber/contractor is being reimbursed on the property owner’s behalf, a completed W-9 form, and an itemized invoice, or invoices, detailing each type of cost and its associated amount.
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