Lean Six Sigma

Brevard County Government initiated Lean Six Sigma training to further our organization’s current continuous improvement efforts. By undertaking this initiative, we are focusing on providing County employees opportunity to participate and know they can make a difference and improve our operations. Introducing Lean Six Sigma tools and techniques places us in the position to self-correct, identify and eliminate waste or unnecessary processes and procedures and help us further improve operations.

D M A I C define, measure, analyse, improve, control.

Lean Six Sigma uses Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control (DMAIC) – a five-step approach to process improvement. It's focus is on improving the customer experience by making sure business processes consistently deliver the desired results.

  • Define- In this first phase of the improvement process, the team defines the problem, the goal, the process, and who the customer is.
  • Measure- In this phase, the team focuses on data. They select measures and collect data on the current process.
  • Analyze- The team is ready to review their collected data in this phase. The goal of this phase is to narrow down and identify the root cause of “waste” or defects.
  • Improve- Now the team is ready to move on the solution. A solution for improvement is developed, mistake proofed, and implemented.
  • Control- In this final phase, the team focuses on sustainment of the improvement initiative.
Lean Six Sigma Inspection Coordination team members collaborate to find process efficiencies.
Current Improvement Projects
Emergency Management911 Address Assignment ProcessAnalyze
Information TechnologyInactive Staff ComputersControl
Information TechnologyOnboarding ProcessControl
Planning and DevelopmentCustomer – Contractor Resolution ProcessControl
Solid Waste ManagementBilling ProcessControl
Completed Projects
Budget OfficeAgenda Development ProcessCompleted
Budget OfficeBudget Change RequestsCompleted
Budget OfficeCommunicating FEMA Project StatusCompleted
Budget OfficeGrant Management ImprovementCompleted
Budget OfficeImprove the Efficiency of FEMA ReimbursementsCompleted
Central ServicesAsset Management Tracking and Removal of InventoryCompleted
Central ServicesContract Review ProcessCompleted
Community Action AgencyPhone SystemCompleted
Emergency ManagementEmergency Shelter Worker ProgramCompleted
Fire RescueFleet Maintenance ProcessCompleted
Fire RescueImprove Cardiac ArrestCompleted
Fire RescueImproving Fire Rescue’s Subpoena ProcessCompleted
Fire RescueImproving the Patient Triage ProcessCompleted
Housing and Human ServicesCommunity Supervision ImprovementCompleted
Housing and Human ServicesLow Income Homeowner Construction ProcessCompleted
Human ResourcesEmergency Pay Plan ProjectCompleted
Human ResourcesHiring Improvement Process (Phase 1)Completed
Human ResourcesHiring Process – Part 2Completed
Human ResourcesImprovement of the Workers' Compensation Refund ProcessCompleted
Human ResourcesSuccession PlanningCompleted
Information TechnologyEmployee Pay Remuneration StatementsCompleted
Information TechnologyMeeting Room ProcessCompleted
Information TechnologyPosting ADA Documents to the County’s WebsiteCompleted
Information TechnologySoftware Access for Transfers/TerminationsCompleted
Library ServicesProcessed MaterialsCompleted
Library ServicesPurchasing Materials for the Physical Library CollectionCompleted
Library ServicesPurchasing Card ImprovementCompleted
Natural Resources ManagementMaximize Environmental Resources Management Applicant Intake Distribution SystemCompleted
Parks and RecreationInventory ControlCompleted
Parks and RecreationCamp Registration ProcessCompleted
Parks and RecreationEEL Internal Hiring ProcessCompleted
Parks and RecreationFacility Registration ProcessCompleted
Parks and RecreationMarketing Parks and RecreationCompleted
Planning and DevelopmentBuilding Permit Application ImprovementCompleted
Planning and DevelopmentCode Enforcement Fine Reduction ProcessCompleted
Planning and DevelopmentDevelopment Application ProcessCompleted
Planning and DevelopmentPhone System Improvement – Planning and DevelopmentCompleted
Planning and DevelopmentRegistration for Online Permitting Access (BASS)Completed
Planning and DevelopmentSite Construction ProcessCompleted
Public SafetyPublic Safety New Hiring Project InitiativeCompleted
Public WorksWork Order Notification (WON)Completed
Solid Waste ManagementCurbside RecyclingCompleted
Solid Waste ManagementSystem to Record and Follow-up on Customer Complaints in Solid Waste CollectionCompleted
TourismTravel and Familiarization ToursCompleted
UF/ExtensionMaster Gardener ProgramCompleted

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