Brevard County Health Facilities Authority

General Information

Public Purpose:

The purpose of the Health Facilities Authority is to issue and sell revenue bonds for the purposes of refinancing and financing health facilities, in order to promote and foster the economic growth and development of Brevard County, Florida (the "County") and of the State of Florida (the "State"), to enhance and expand industry and other economic activity in Brevard County and the State, and to increase purchasing power and opportunities for gainful employment, to improve living conditions and to advance and improve the prosperity, health and the welfare of the State and its inhabitants, and to foster the industrial and business development of the County and the State.


Brevard County, including all municipalities located therein

Services Provided:

Issuance of bonds to fulfill public purpose

Statute Under Which HFA Operates:

Chapter 154, Part III,Florida Statutes

Date Established:

April 7, 1977

Establishing Entity:

Brevard County Board of County Commissioners

Charter/Creation Document:

Brevard County Ordinance 77-16


Click title for full details.

There is currently no news to report at this time.

Contact Information

Registered Agent / Registered office:

Angela A. Abbott, Esquire
4420 South Washington Avenue
Titusville, Florida 32780
Telephone: (321) 264-0334

Governing Body Members:

George Mikitarian, Chairman
c/o Brevard County HFA
4420 S. Washington Avenue
Titusville, Florida 32780
Term: 4 years, expiring 12-31-2025
Appointing Authority: Brevard County Board of County Commissioners

Peter Fusscas, Vice Chairman
c/o Brevard County HFA
4420 S. Washington Avenue
Titusville, Florida 32780
Term: 4 years, expiring 12-31-2024
Appointing Authority: Brevard County Board of County Commissioners

Judy Gizinski, Secretary
c/o Brevard County HFA
4420 S. Washington Avenue
Titusville, Florida 32780
Term: 4 years, expiring 12-31-2023
Appointing Authority: Brevard County Board of County Commissioners

Ned Kellar, Assistant Secretary
c/o Brevard County HFA
4420 S. Washington Avenue
Titusville, Florida 32780
Term: 4 years, expiring 12-31-2026
Appointing Authority: Brevard County Board of County Commissioners

Alice Noblin, Member
c/o Brevard County HFA,
4420 S. Washington Avenue
Titusville, Florida 32780
Term: 4 years, expiring 12-31-2025
Appointing Authority: Brevard County Board of County Commissioners

Revenue Information

The Health Facilities Authority has no taxing authority and no assets or revenue.

Financial Information

Fiscal Year:

October 1 to September 30

Tentative Budget:


Final Adopted Budget:


Budget Amendments:


Link to View Annual Financial Report:





Link to Ethics Provisions:

Florida Commission on Ethics 

Defined Benefit Retirement System

The Health Facilities Authority has no employees and does not have a defined benefit retirement system

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