Community Housing Development Organization
A CHDO (pronounced cho'doe) is a private nonprofit, community based service organization that has significant organizational capacity with a primary purpose to develop affordable housing for the community it serves. Certified CHDOs receive special designation and certification from the Brevard County Housing and Human Services Department (BCHHS). The Federal HOME Program definition of a CHDO is found in the Code of Federal Regulations, 24 CFR Part 92.208, 300, and 301. Please see the HUD CHDO information links that follow.
What Special Benefits Are Available to CHDOs?
Federal HOME regulations require that BCHHS set aside 15 percent of its annual HOME funding allocation exclusively for qualified, eligible CHDO projects. If an organization becomes a certified CHDO, it is eligible to take advantage of the HUD HOME funds set-aside just for CHDOs, participate in the request for proposal process administered by the County, and potentially qualify for CHDO status with the State of Florida.
Please see the CHDO Guidebook and supporting documents below to become a certified CHDO in Brevard County.
Staff Contacts are Alan Woolwich at (321) 633-2007.
For more information: Home CHDO-HUD Exchange
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