Environmentally Endangered Lands Program Advisory Committees

Procedures Committee (PC)

Established in 1989, the PC serves as an Advisory Committee to the Board of County Commissioners (Board), EEL Staff, and the Selection and Management Committee (SMC) regarding policies, procedures and standards for land acquisition. The Committee meets annually for a joint meeting with the SMC and as often as needed thereafter.

Membership consists of eight (8) individuals with knowledge of environmentally sensitive lands and who have participated in activities to acquire such lands. Members serve a minimum of two years.

Selection and Management Committee (SMC)

Established in 1990, the SMC serves as an expert scientific advisory committee to the Board and to EEL Staff on all issues involving the acquisition and management of environmentally endangered lands within the EEL Program protected area network. The SMC reviews all parcels nominated for public acquisition and makes recommendations to the Board based on scientific criteria as established by the EEL Program Land Acquisition Manual (LAM). The SMC works directly with the EEL Program Manager, each regional sanctuary manager and other Citizens Advisory Committees to approve the management plans for EEL sanctuaries. Meets monthly.

Membership consists of ten (10) individuals who will serve for a minimum term of two years. The qualifications of all applicants for EEL Selection and Management Committee volunteers shall be reviewed by a Qualifying Committee consisting of the EEL Program Manager, the Chairman of the Procedures Committee (or their designee), and the Director of Human Resources (or their designee). Three of the seats on the Selection and Management Committee are designated for a PC Member, REAC Member, and an appointee recommended by the Tourist Development Council (TDC).

Staff will present the list of all applicants/nominees to the Qualifying Committee for review and initial ranking based on their level of experience and education. Qualifications for EEL Selection and Management Committee members are as follows:

  • Have a willingness to serve in a voluntary capacity.
  • Be willing to make a long-term commitment to the EEL Selection and Management Committee. No further qualifications will be required for the member appointed through the TDC, EDC, Procedures Committee or Recreation Education Advisory Committee.

All remaining EEL Selection and Management Committee members shall:

  • Have a four-year post-secondary academic degree (B.S. or equivalent) in biological or environmental sciences or demonstrated professional expertise (minimum six (6) years) in a closely related conservation field such as ecosystem management, natural resources conservation, aquatic biology, field ecology, marine biology, botany, geology, hydrology, fire ecology, natural areas management, human use and recreation in natural areas, science education, or natural area sanctuary design.
  • Have demonstrated knowledge of Brevard County ecosystems and specific knowledge of the habitat types and conservation land management techniques.

Applicants/Nominees being recommended by the TDC and EDC will not be reviewed or ranked by the Qualifying Committee or the Procedures Committee, but will be presented to the County Commission for final ranking along with the list of science applicants/nominees.

The Qualifying Committee will present the list of all applicants/nominees to the Procedures Committee including identification of those applicants/nominees that have been determined by the Qualifying Committee to be qualified. The qualified applicants will be identified by their initial ranking.

The Procedures Committee will review the list of applicants presented by the Qualifying Committee and will verify the final list of qualified applicants/nominees through a majority vote. County EEL staff will provide the list of the qualified applicants/nominees in ranked order from highest to lowest to the Board for review and final ranking.

Recreation and Education Advisory Committee (REAC)

Established in 2005, the primary function of this group is to serve as an advisory committee to the SMC and EEL Staff by providing recommendations for public access, passive recreation, and environmental education on EEL managed conservation lands. Meets monthly, or on an as needed basis. Members serve a minimum of two years. 

The structure of the Recreation and Education Advisory Board will be composed of eight (8) citizens:

  1. One voting seat on the committee will be specifically designated for an appointee recommended by the Tourist Development Council (TDC) or the Economic Development Commission (EDC) for the purposes of promoting opportunities for eco-tourism on the EEL managed nature sanctuary network.
  2. A representative from the EEL Selection and Management Committee, Americans With Disabilities Act Compliance Department, Metropolitan Planning Office, Parks and Recreation, Economic Development Commission or other appropriate agencies will be asked from time to time to participate in a non-voting, advisory capacity.”

Meeting Minutes

Previous year's meeting minutes which are not available for download are available via Public Records Request.

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