County Manager's Office

The County Manager is the head of the executive branch of County Government, and is responsible to the Board of County Commissioners for the proper administration of all affairs of County Government not otherwise entrusted to an elected County officer. The Manager attends all regular and special meetings of the Board of County Commissioners and has the right to participate in its discussions.

County Manager - Frank Abbate

frank_abbateHaving served in the public sector for over 34 years, Frank Abbate’s professional career is anchored by 26 years as Brevard County’s Human Resources Director. Upon moving to Florida in 1989, Abbate was admitted to the Florida Bar. Abbate also served on as an Assistant County Manager for 2 1/2 years during his tenure with Brevard County. He has served as an Instructor for both Webster University and UCF in their graduate Public Administration and Human Resources Development programs. Upon graduating from the Dickinson School of Law, Penn State University, Abbate was admitted to the Pennsylvania Bar in 1982. He served as a Staff Attorney and then as the Personnel Director/Labor Attorney for the City of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, for six years. As an undergraduate student at S.U.N.Y. @ Stony Brook, Abbate earned his Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in Political Science and served as a congressional intern in Washington, D.C. 

Abbate lives in Satellite Beach with his wife Rita. They are the proud parents of three children and four grandchildren.

If you have any suggestions on how we might improve your access to County Government, please let us know. We are committed to ensuring that County Government is user friendly, and will continue to incorporate E-government into our service delivery systems.

- Frank Abbate, County Manager

Assistant County Manager - Jim Liesenfelt

Jim_LiesenfeltJim graduated from Indiana University with a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Public Affairs and has served as Director of Transit Services (Space Coast Area Transit) for twenty years. Jim began working for Transit Services in 1991, as Transit Planner, and then held the position of Manager of Planning and Finance. Space Coast Area Transit was named “Florida’s Outstanding Transit System” in 2011 by the Florida Public Transportation Association and the “Best Small Transit System” nationwide in 2003 by the American Public Transportation Association. Space Coast Area Transit has been awarded numerous state and national marketing awards and four vehicle operators have been named State Bus Driver or Paratransit Driver of the Year! Jim has served in various positions for the Florida Public Transportation Association, including a term as Chair in 2001-2002. Jim moved to Brevard County in 1991, and resides here with his wife and five children. He currently serves as Chair on the City of West Melbourne’s Planning and Zoning Board and as Committee Chair of Boy Scout Troop 314.

Interim Assistant County Manager - Tad Calkins

Tad CalkinsTad Calkins has over 29 years of public sector experience; 19 years with Brevard County. He started with Brevard County in 2005 as the Assistant Director of Permitting and Enforcement Department. In 2009, he became the Assistant Director of the Planning and Development Department. He moved into the role of Planning and Development Director in March 2017. During his tenure with the County, he has implemented numerous process improvements which have reduced application approval timeframes and increase staff efficiencies by close to 100 percent. Prior to his employment with Brevard County, he worked for Osceola County just under 10 years, and before that, he worked for Curts Gaines Hall architects and Planners until 1996.

Tad has lived in Florida his entire life except for his time at Appalachian State University, where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Community Development and Regional Planning. Tad and his wife Eileen are the proud parents of three children and two grandchildren.

Reporting of Grant Funds Expended/Metrics for the Economic Development Commission of Florida's Space Coast