Vetted Online Resources
Library Cards
Rules for Getting a Library Card
To get a three-year Resident Card, show a photo ID and proof of Brevard County residency. Juvenile cards require a parent or legal guardian's proof of residency.
Accepted ID to prove residency:
- Florida driver's license or vehicle registration with a Brevard County address
- Property tax receipt, deed, or mortgage
- Minimum six-month lease
- Valid Brevard County voter registration card
- Declaration of domicile and citizenship issued by Brevard County
- Florida Highway Patrol ID card
- Active duty military or dependent ID
- Access Florida card
To get a temporary card you must have a photo ID and one of the following:
- Lease for 30 days up to six months
- Current utility bill
- Checkbook with local address
- Current rent receipt or rent deposit receipt
Temporary cards are good for six months and are not renewable.
Non-Resident cards can be issued to students with an active Brevard County college ID or college library card. A non-resident may purchase a one-year library card with proof of their permanent address for $15.