Oral History Project

Capturing the vivid and personalized memories of long time Brevard County residents is the focus of the Oral History Project, which is funded and carried out by the Brevard County Historical Commission.

To date:

  • More than 50 oral history videos have been recorded to document the unique historical perspectives of Brevard natives and pioneers.
  • Some subjects are the descendants of our county’s earliest pioneer families.
  • Some subjects have played key roles in the making of Brevard County history through their involvement in important industries or events.

Access to the existing inventory of oral history videos is available to anyone interested through the Commission offices and circulating DVD copies are available for check out through Brevard County Libraries. We offer a written transcript of each interview, which are posted above, and store the recorded interviews on our YouTube channel  so they can be viewed from anywhere at any time!

If you, or someone you know, would make a good subject for a Brevard County oral history video, please let us know. Keep in mind that we are looking for those who have first-hand knowledge and experiences with the county’s pioneer history and its development through the 20th century or with key events that have shaped our local history.

For further information about the Commission’s Oral History Project, or to suggest prospective subjects, please contact us at (321) 633-1794.

Watch on YouTube

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