Billing Services and Rate Resolutions

The Solid Waste Management Department is responsible for the disposal of solid waste (garbage and yard waste, etc.) generated from households and commercial businesses in Brevard County.

Collection and Disposal Charges for Garbage, Yard Waste and Recycling

Collection Charges apply only to residents in the unincorporated areas of the County (not those living within city limits). Disposal Charges apply to all residents. Collection and Disposal charges are put on the annual tax bill under non ad-valorem special assessments. Properties that are certified to be occupied after October 1, will receive a pro-rated assessment for these services.

Landfill Accounts for Commercial Businesses / Online Bill Pay

These accounts are established for commercial businesses that bring in by-products from their business and for haulers who bring in new construction, demolition or renovation material generated within Brevard County Only. To apply for a Brevard County Landfill Account, complete the Application for Landfill Accounts for Commercial Businesses.

For billing information questions or to set up an account, please contact our Customer Service personnel at (321) 633-2042.

The Solid Waste Management Department has online bill pay for the landfill (gate) accounts. Click here for more details about online bill pay.

Prorated Solid Waste Assessments

Chapter 94-232 of the Brevard County Code of Ordinance establishes the method of prorating non-ad valorem special assessments on new construction based on the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy and the number of months left in that Fiscal year. This Ordinance requires payment of the prorated Solid Waste Disposal Assessment for the use of county landfills following the completion of new construction on real property, commercial and residential. If the property is located within an unincorporated area of Brevard County and is residential, the invoice will also include a prorated Solid Waste Collection Assessment. Solid Waste non-ad valorem special assessments are invoiced within the Fiscal Year they are associated with, prorated special assessments for new construction do not show up on your tax bill and are received in a separate invoice.

Lien Search Requests

Please email for all Lien Search Requests.

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