Titusville Transfer Station
Brevard County's Solid Waste Department Titusville Transfer Station is located at 4366 South Street in Titusville, Florida.
Accepted Wastes
Household & Commercial Garbage Only
Prohibited Wastes
- Ammunition, flares, etc.
- Asbestos
- Batteries (Auto, lithium, rechargeable)
- Construction & Demolition Debris
- CRTs (TVs, Monitors) - Commercial
- Containers >20 gallons
- Electronics / Brown Goods
- Fluorescent Lamps - Commercial
- Hazardous Waste
- Liquid waste
- Manure
- Mercury Containing Devices
- Metal Scraps
- Motor Vehicles
- PCB wastes
- Petroleum Contaminated Soil
- Piping
- Pressurized cylinders
- Propane tanks
- Sharps (needles, lancets, etc.)*
- White goods (large appliances)
- Whole tires
- Wastewater treatment plant sludge
- Yard Waste
- Treated or Untreated Biomedical Waste
* Home user sharps accepted at the Titusville Transfer Station Office
DISCLAIMER: This information is subject to change at any time upon the discretion of the Solid Waste Management Department.