Historical Landmarks
Your Guide to Historical Landmarks in Brevard County is an official publication of the Brevard County Historical Commission.
- Periodically, the members of the commission nominate landmarks in each of the five County Commission districts to be recognized in this pamphlet.
- A map included in the pamphlet shows the location of all landmarks.
- Each landmark is described in terms of its historic significance.
While supplies last, copies of Your Guide to Historical Landmarks in Brevard County are available at county libraries and other local outlets. Call the Historical Commission's office at (321) 633-1794 for information on availability.
Historic Landmark Pamphlet
Central Brevard Library
Attn: Brevard Historical Commission
308 Forrest Ave.
Cocoa, FL 32922
If you would like to suggest consideration of a landmark not currently listed in the pamphlet, please contact us with your suggestion. Provide any information and reference sources that document the historical significance of the proposed landmark.
An electronic version is also available upon request
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