Vetted Online Resources

Services for the Disabled

A World Of Services

Do you have difficulty reading printed materials due to a visual, physical or reading disability? Your Brevard County Libraries offer a world of services!

Large Print Books

All of the public libraries in Brevard have collections of books in the large print format. Titles range from juvenile to best-sellers to nonfiction. These books are not only popular with those with low vision, but also provide ease of reading for those with tired eyes!

Assistive Devices

Each public library in Brevard County has a number of assistive devices including:

  • Closed caption TV that magnifies materials up to 60 times the original for those with new vision
  • A Reading Edge Personal Reader that scans printed or typed materials and reads them in an audible voice for those with more profound vision loss
  • An enhanced workstation that magnifies information 16 times to provide access to the system's on-line catalog for independent searching
  • A collection of hand-held aids that circulate for a period of 3 weeks; and Writing guides that are also available for distribution

Brevard County Talking Books Library

Brevard County Talking Books Library is a Sub-Regional Library of the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped

This federal program provides unabridged books and magazines on 4-track tapes as well as the machines to play them. Patrons must be certified as well as being eligible to receive these materials so there is a special application for participation. All materials are sent postage-free to and from the patron. The Library also houses a collection of descriptive videos that have been specially enhanced for those with visual impairments.

Please call 633-1810 for further information.

Our Newsletter

"Tips for V.I.P.s" is an informative newsletter produced on a quarterly basis by the Talking Books Library. The newsletter includes announcements of new materials and/or formats, available in large print, cassette, Braille and by email.