Household Hazardous Waste

In order to protect the natural environmental systems in Brevard County, it is important that we prevent unlawful discharges and improper disposal of household chemical and electronic products.

The Solid Waste Management Department operates three permanent Household Hazardous Waste Collection Centers where these materials may be delivered. Brevard County residents may take accepted items from non-business activities to one of these collection centers for safe disposal at no cost. Proof of residency may be required.

Collection Center Locations

Participants may be asked for proof of residency and source of the materials being delivered for disposal. Residents may use their driver's license, tax bill or utility bill.

Central Disposal Facility

2250 Adamson Road
Cocoa, FL
Monday - Saturday
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Mockingbird Mulching Facility

3600 South Street
Titusville, FL
Monday - Saturday
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Sarno Landfill

3379 Sarno Road
Melbourne, FL
Monday - Saturday
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Household Hazardous Products Around the Home

In the Garage

  • Auto fluids (antifreeze, brake / power steering, motor oil)
  • Auto / boat batteries
  • Boat flares
  • Gasoline / diesel
  • Lighter fluid
  • Lubricants
  • Oil filters
  • Paints / stains, thinners
  • Sealers / solvents
  • Roof coatings

In the Yard

  • Fertilizers
  • Fungicides
  • Flea dip/sprays
  • Herbicides
  • Insecticides
  • Pesticides
  • Pool cleaning supplies
  • Rat poison

In the House

  • Aerosol sprays (hair / paint / bug & oven cleaner)
  • Adhesives
  • Drain cleaner
  • Electronics (10 large per year)
  • Fluorescent lamps (10 each per household per year)
  • Compact Fluorescent Bulbs (CFLs)
  • Health and beauty aides (polish & remover, rubbing alcohol, peroxide)
  • Mercury containing devices (thermometers / thermostats)
  • Rechargeable batteries (Ni-cad, lithium / button)
  • Used Cooking Oil (detailed instructions included below)

Hazardous Liquids and Chemicals

Up to twenty-five (25) gallons of liquid waste can be accepted per household per year. However container sizes larger than five (5) gallons will not be accepted.

Residents bringing bulk liquids such as used motor oil, gasoline and antifreeze can have their container(s) returned to them after the liquid is poured off by the HHW Technician. This follows the program's safety protocol.

How to package and transport materials:

Chemical products from your home should never be poured on the ground or into storm drains. Never flush or pour down the drain unused medications / pills (Please use the Prescription drug take back program ).

  • Keep products in original labeled container
  • Do Not mix chemicals together
  • Place leaky containers in clear plastic bags
  • Pack in sturdy boxes and use newspaper to prevent breakage
  • Put boxes in the trunk or the back of the vehicle away from passengers
  • Cover battery terminals with heavy tape (place individual lead or rechargeable batteries in plastic bags.)

What Not to Bring to Our Collection Centers

Alkaline batteries - (AA, AAA, C, D) have been determined as non-hazardous and may be disposed of in your regular trash.

Bilge water - oily fuel-water mixture from a boat bilge. Contact your local marina or used oil recycler for disposal information.

Bio-hazardous wastes - human body parts, tissue or organs, lab cultures, vaccines, discarded medicines, blood coated clothing or cotton balls, medical tubing or catheters. For citizen information visit Biomedical Waste Program website .

Explosives - Contact the Sheriff's Office Bomb Squad at (321) 633-7141.

Fire Extinguishers - it is safe to dispose of EMPTY (fully discharged) fire extinguishers in your home trash. Fire extinguishers that are NOT EMPTY, contact a local fire extinguisher company for recharge or disposal information. Many companies offer free or low-cost disposal

Propane Tanks - Contact Trademark Metals (321) 636-2781, Sarno Metal Recycling (321) 622-4890, or Dominion Metals (321) 735-4940. Please ask for specific disposition details before bringing.

Smoke detectors - The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) considers domestic smoke detectors below regulatory concern and exempts these materials from regulatory requirements. The NRC recommends disposal in regular household trash or MAIL BACK to manufacturer. Check back of detector for company name and address.

55 gallon drums - commonly associated with commercially generated hazardous wastes. No containers larger than 5 gallon buckets will be accepted at the HHW collection centers.

Rear-Projection Televisions - They can be thrown in the regular trash.

Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) Televisions – They can be thrown in the regular trash.


Drop and Swap

The Drop and Swap Program operates at the Cocoa and Sarno Household Hazardous Waste Collection Centers Only.

Items are separated into usable products brought in by residents. Residents can browse and pickup products including usable household cleaners, automotive fluids and paint products free of charge.

These usable products would otherwise be disposed of through the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program.

Used Vegetable Oil Recycling Program

Brevard County Solid Waste Management Department provides used vegetable oil recycling drop off locations at two of our three Household Hazardous Waste Collection Centers: Central Disposal Facility at 2250 Adamson Road, Cocoa, and Sarno Road Landfill at 3379 Sarno Road, Melbourne. Any Type of liquid, vegetable-based oil qualifies. This includes peanut, corn, canola, olive, sunflower, safflower, rapeseed, etc.

This program is available to Brevard County residents only. Please place cooled liquid cooking oil in a metal or plastic container with a tight-fitting lid. Make sure the oil is not mixed with other fluids (water, petroleum products, soaps, animal fats, etc.). Cooking oils contaminated with any other materials will not be accepted. Solid grease or vegetable oil that is mixed with animal fats cannot be accepted for recycling. Mixed oils, fats, and greases should be placed in a container such as an empty jar or coffee can.  Once the materials have solidified, secure the lid and place the container in your trash; do not pour it down your drain or garbage disposal.

The drop off points will not accept containers larger than five gallons or smaller than one quart. Dispose of small amounts of grease or oil in your trash after they have cooled. Small amounts can be poured onto napkins, paper towels, or other trash that will absorb the oils. Small amounts can also be mixed with unscented kitty litter, sand, or dirt to help solidify the oils before adding to the trash.

Participate in the EnviroBusiness hazardous waste collection days.

Importance of Proper Hazardous Waste Disposal for Businesses

Hazardous waste can harm the environment. It should not be mixed with ordinary trash or poured into the storm sewer system, down drains or toilets, or on the ground. Improper disposal of business waste is a violation of Florida regulations. Violation of these regulations may subject you to penalties of up to $50,000 per day for non-compliance. Proper hazardous waste management makes good sense because it can reduce liability for cleanups, lower insurance costs, avoid fines and minimize employee exposure.

Eligible businesses are invited to bring their unwanted chemicals in for proper disposal. To be eligible for chemical drop-off, businesses must qualify as a very small quantity generator (VSQG). This includes businesses that produce less than 25 gallons, or 220 pounds, of chemical waste per month.  For further information contact James Fleming, Brevard County Solid Waste Operations, Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program, at (321) 633-1888 or

Enviro Business Hazardous Waste Collection Program

Brevard County Solid Waste Department facilitates Enviro Business days every 90 days for the proper disposal of business waste at a reduced fee by extending the County’s contracted hazardous waste disposal rates to very small quantity generator (VSQG) businesses. Hazardous business waste can include simple things like fluorescent lamps, cleaners, degreasers, and automotive fluids such as used motor oil and spent antifreeze. Businesses are responsible to pay the contractor directly for the disposal and/or container costs. The contractor will package waste into approved Department of Transportation (DOT) containers and manifest the waste prior to shipment. It can also include pesticides, laboratory vials, paints, varnishes, and solvents. Explosives and biomedical waste are not accepted. Businesses must find an alternate means of disposal.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Business must produce less than 25 gallons, or 220 pounds, of chemical waste per month.
  • All very small quantity generator (VSQG) businesses requesting to participate MUST call US Ecology Company for appointment, disposal cost, and payment information prior to the Enviro Business collection day.
  • To request an appointment, have a complete inventory of the business hazardous waste and contact the contractor representative, Ashley Futch, by email or phone at (813) 319-3425.
For questions on the program or for further information contact James Fleming, Brevard County Solid Waste Operations, Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program, at (321) 633-1888 or



Recycled Paint Program Suspended:

The latex paint recycling giveaway program has been indefinitely suspended. The facility that processed the paints into a recycled product is no longer providing that service, and a similar service in the Central Florida area has not been located. It is with great sadness that after 32 years of a successful program, the paint recycling/paint giveaway program is indefinitely suspended while other alternatives are explored.

We apologize for any inconvenience this change may present. Latex and oil-based paints are still accepted for disposal at our three Household Hazardous Waste Collection Centers.

For additional information regarding the disposal of paint, please contact James Flemming at (321) 633-1888 or at

Miscellaneous Information

The average home can accumulate as much as 100 pounds of household hazardous waste in kitchens and bathrooms, garages and sheds.

Brevard County households are allowed to dispose of 25 gallons (approximately 220 pounds) of household hazardous wastes per year at the HHW collection centers.

Do not bring empty paint cans to the HHW collection centers.

Paint cans that are empty, hardened or dried up (no liquid) can be safely disposed of in your regular trash. Remember to always remove the lid from the paint container before placing in the trash.

Household Hazardous Waste aerosol containers (i.e. spray paint, shaving gel, hair moose, bug spray, oven cleaner) should be dropped these off at the HHW collection centers.

Thank you Brevard County for safely disposing of your household chemical and electronic products at our Household Hazardous Waste Collection Centers.