Manatee Protection Plan
On January 16, 2003, the Board of County Commissioners adopted the Manatee Protection Plan (MPP) which was subsequently approved by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) on February 7, 2003.
If you would like to purchase a copy of the Brevard County Manatee Protection Plan in a format other than PDF, please call (321) 633-2016.
Name | Regulation | Description |
Aquifer Protection | Chapter 62, Article X, Division 2, Section 62-3631 | The purpose and intent of this ordinance is to protect the function of designated aquifer recharge areas. Standards found within this ordinance apply to any person, firm, organization or agency constructing septic tanks, undertaking agriculture or forestry operations not utilizing best management practices, undertaking mining operations or construction of private lakes, or undertaking any development project, as well as facilities which receive, store or use solid wastes or hazardous materials. |
Coastal Setback and Control Lines | Chapter 62, Article XII, Section 62-4201 | The intent of this ordinance to regulate construction along our coastline.The ordinance contains standards for construction and establishes a setback line 25 feet landward of the State's line. |
Floodplain Protection | Chapter 62, Article X, Division 5, Section 62-3721 | The purpose and intent of this ordinance to protect and restore, where feasible, the natural functions of floodplains within the county and to apply the standards set out in this ordinance for development in floodplains and floodprone areas. |
Water Source Heat Pumps | Chapter 62, Article X, Division 7, Section 62-3771 | This ordinance establishes installation standards for water-source heat pumps that encourage water conservation practices and provide regulations and controls with necessary enforcement mechanisms for those standards. |
Lake Washington Area | Chapter 46 , Article II, Division 3, Section 46-80 | This ordinance affects all properties within the unincorporated area of Brevard County within two (2) miles of Lake Washington, west of I-95, and within the riverine floodplain of the St. Johns River. It sets additional standards for development in the sensitive areas near the primary drinking water supply for Central and South Brevard. |
Land Alteration (Sand Mines or Borrow Pits) | Chapter 62, Article XIII, Division 4, Section 62-4391 | The purpose of this ordinance is to ensure that the excavation, filling, and reclamation of lands in the county resulting from the removal or deposition of such materials as vegetation, clay, shell, sand, gravel, marl, stone, rock, minerals and similar materials is done in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. |
Land Clearing, Landscaping and Tree Protection | Chapter 62, Article XIII, Division 2, Section 62-4331 | The Brevard County Board of County Commissioners finds that the health, safety and welfare of its citizens can best be protected by land use regulations that support and enforce the following community goals: 1) Promote the establishment,management and conservation of native vegetative communities; 2) Promote visual and aesthetic buffers between land uses; 3) Encourage the protection of Heritage or Specimen Trees; 4) Promote water conservation and aquifer recharge; 5) Encourage creative landscape designs; 6) Protect life and property by appropriately planting trees and vegetation; 7) Preserve and enhance property values; 8) Control soil erosion and mitigate heat, air and water pollution; 9) Provide regulations that are user-friendly, flexible and minimize conflicts with other land development regulations while protecting property rights. |
Private Lakes | Chapter 62, Article XIII, Division 5, Section 62-4451 | This ordinance regulates the location and construction of private lakes (and ponds) utilized as sources of fill for on-site development or as on-site aesthetic or recreational amenities. A permit is required for lakes over ¾ of an acre. However, all ponds or lakes must meet the location, construction, and vegetative requirements of this ordinance. |
Surface Water Protection | Chapter 62, Article X, Division 3, Section 62-3661 | It is the purpose of this ordinance to protect the quality and natural functions of surface waters within the county. The ordinance establishes standards for development in and adjacent to Class I, II and III waters, Outstanding Florida Waters, and Aquatic Preserves. |
Wetland Protection | Chapter 62, Article X, Division 4, Section 62-3691 | The goal of the Brevard County Wetland Ordinance is to promote a "no net loss of wetland function or acreage." This regulation applies the standards established in the ordinance to development in and adjacent to wetlands. |
Regulation | Description |
Save Our I R L 1/2 cent tax Ordinance | "An ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Brevard County, Florida, calling a countywide Save Our Indian River Lagoon 1/2 cent sales tax..." |
Clarification of Stormwater Management Program | Ordinance 15-26"...Providing for the clarification of the stormwater management program definitions; providing fro the inclusion of the Indian River Lagoon Council in the stormwater management program..." |
FY14-15 Adoption of Stormwater Assessment Increase | "....to raise the Stormwater Assessment Rates to $52 per ERU..." |
Stormwater Resolution No. 14-131 | "...ratifying, confirming, and certifying the Annual Stormwater Utility Special Assessment Rolls." |
Current Stormwater Management Criteria | Chapter 62 - Land Development Regulations Article X. |
Stormwater Criteria Ordinance | "...providing for design criteria for drainage improvements for new subdivisions and site plans, retrofitting projects, public road and drainage projects..." |
Fertilizer Ordinance Final | "...regulates and promotes the proper use of fertilizers by any applicator; requires proper training of commercial and institutional fertilizer applicators;..." |
Ordinance 90-34 | "An ordinance creating Article VII, Chapter 23, Code of Brevard County, Florida, to be entitled "Stormwater Utility;" Establishing a stormwater utility for Brevard County, Florida; Providing for findings and purpose....." |
Ordinance 95-34 | "An ordinance....providing that the rate resolution establishing the stormwater utility fee shall stay in effect until the stormwater utility fee is changed....." |
Ordinance 99-61 | Ordinance (99-61) "An ordinance of Brevard County.....Allowing for the creation of individual drainage standards within the areas of special stormwater concerns; specifically establishing regulations for the Grant-Valkaria area..." Areas of special concern include Canaveral Groves, North Merritt Island, Crane Creek, Police Foundation, and Upper Eau Gallie. |
Stormwater Resolution (11-200) | September 14, 2011 "Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners ratifying, confirming, and certifying the rate and the annual stormwater utility assessment rolls..." |
Stormwater Management Criteria | Purpose: "...to establish the minimum criteria for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of all Stormwater Management Systems...." |
Ordinance 2012-37 | “An Ordinance….Creating article VIII, Entitled ‘Fertilizer use on urban landscape’…” |
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