Malabar Scrub Sanctuary
Tree Density Reduction in Florida Scrub-Jay Habitat at Malabar Scrub Sanctuary
The EEL Program will be furthering its efforts to improve the habitat conditions for the Florida Scrub-Jay at the Malabar Scrub Sanctuary. This work will involve the removal of trees where habitat conditions are not suitable to support scrub-jay populations. The Florida Scrub-Jay requires an open landscape of low scrub-oak vegetation and reasonably open adjacent pine flatwoods in order to maintain food resources and breeding success.
The variety of habitats found on the 577-acre Malabar Scrub Sanctuary make it an ideal place for visitors to learn how wetland and upland communities interact. The protected habitats include xeric (dry) hammock, scrub, scrubby flatwoods, pine flatwoods, sand pine scrub, ponds, sloughs, and depression marshes. Trails weave through many of these natural communities, including several areas recently treated with prescribed fires. Fire is a natural factor in many of Florida’s ecosystems, and hikers will be amazed at the lush, green regrowth in areas that were burned only a short time ago. The sanctuary is a refuge for the Florida scrub-jay, gopher tortoise, and Eastern indigo snake. All these species benefit from controlled burns. Restrooms are available at the adjacent Malabar Community Park.

Wildlife Viewing
Do's and Don'ts
- Do not feed, disturb, or harm wildlife.
- Pets, smoking, alcohol, and motorized vehicles are prohibited. No Hunting allowed.
- Stay on the trail for personal safety and protection of the natural environment.
- Removal of plants, animals, archeological, or cultural resources is prohibited.
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