Project Funding Application
Applications for new plan projects are currently closed. Visit Septic System Upgrades if you are a homeowner looking for funding assistance with purchasing an advanced septic system.
The Save Our Indian River Lagoon Project Plan (SOIRLPP) is being adaptively managed to ensure that the projects implemented are as cost-effective as possible. This form must be filled out completely to provide information on each potential project for inclusion in the next annual update to the plan. Projects should deliver comparable nutrient removal benefits at similar costs as those projects listed in the SOIRLPP for each sub-lagoon. Applications and supporting material were due by September 27, 2024. Applications will reopen in August 2025. Projects submitted will be reviewed by the Citizen Oversight Committee to evaluate the potential for inclusion in the plan. The projects recommended by the Citizen Oversight Committee for inclusion in the plan will be presented to the Brevard County Board of County Commissioners for approval.
Application Resources
The Save Our Indian River Lagoon Project Plan is being adaptively managed to ensure that the projects implemented are as cost-effective as possible. This form must be filled out completely to provide information on each potential project for inclusion in the next annual update to the plan. Projects should deliver comparable nutrient removal benefits at similar costs as those projects listed in the plan for each sub-lagoon. Projects submitted will be reviewed by the Citizen Oversight Committee to evaluate the potential for inclusion in the plan. The projects recommended by the Citizen Oversight Committee for inclusion in the plan will be presented to the Brevard County Board of County Commissioners for approval.
This form includes a separate page for each of the project types listed in Table 1. Please only submit one project per form, and note which project type is being submitted in Table 1.
Table 1: Project Types Project Type Submitted on This Form (Yes/No) Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrades for Reclaimed Water Sewer Lateral Assessment Septic System Removal by Sewer Extension Muck Removal Treatment of Muck Interstitial Water Oyster Bars Planted Shorelines Vegetation Harvesting The estimated total nitrogen and total phosphorus reductions should be calculated using the efficiencies provided on the "Removal Efficiencies" page to be consistent with the plan. The total nitrogen and total phosphorus load reduction calculations are built into the forms for all project types except for stormwater. For stormwater projects, the total loading from the treatment area to the project should be determined using the Pollutant Loading Screening Model for the Indian River Lagoon Basin or Spreadsheet Tool for Estimating Pollutant Loads. Then, the appropriate efficiencies from the "Removal Efficiencies" table should be applied. The fields highlighted in gray are calculations based on information provided in the other cells.
In order for a new project to be added to the plan, the requesting partner must complete and submit this “Save Our Indian River Lagoon Project Plan Project Submittal Request Form” to Brevard County. To determine the amount of project funding that would be eligible for Save Our Indian River Lagoon Trust Fund contributions, the estimated total nitrogen reductions from the project are multiplied by the allowable cost per pound per year of total nitrogen shown below in Table 2 for that project type. For the stormwater projects, the cost per pound per year of total nitrogen varies by area and the allowable cost per pound per year for each area are shown in Table 3. The resulting amount is entered on the project form for the item “Eligible Tax Funding Cost Share.”
Table 2: Cost per Pound of Total Nitrogen Removed by Project Type Project Type Average Cost per Pound per Year of Total Nitrogen Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrades for Reclaimed Water $431 Sewer Lateral Rehabilitation $289 Septic System Removal by Sewer Extension $1553 Muck Removal $607 Treatment of Muck Interstitial Water $124 Oyster Bars $475 Planted Shorelines $259 Vegetation Harvesting $114 *The costs shown in Table 2 are an average of the cost per pound of total nitrogen removed from the projects listed in the plan.
Table 3: Stormwater Projects Cost per Pound of Total Nitrogen Removed by Area Area Average Cost per Pound per Year of Total Nitrogen Mainland $357 Merritt Island $380 Barrier Island $409 Please submit the following information with the subject “SOIRL Application Supplement for (Insert Project Name)” to Terri Breeden at after completing the project submission.
Please submit the following information with the completed form:
- Geographic Information System map showing the project location and drainage basin (or Portable Document Format if Geographic Information System is not available).
- Calculations using the DEP Load Estimation Tool to determine the starting loads and estimated load reductions for stormwater projects.
- Exhibit or conceptual drawing of the project, if available.
- Site-specific sampling data, if available.
- ArcGIS-Based Nitrate Load Estimation Toolkit loads for septic system projects.
The completed form and supplemental information should be submitted to Terri Breeden at
To calculate the benefits of sewer extension/connection or septic upgrade projects, the ArcGIS-Based Nitrate Load Estimation Toolkit model developed for Brevard County must be used to determine the total nitrogen load. The shapefiles and supporting reports for this model can be found in the Brevard County ShareFile Portal at:
At this location, there is the original shapefile titled Septic_Priority_v17 and a simplified version titled Septic_Priority_v17_Simplified. The simplified shapefile includes only property identification and nitrogen loading values. The property information included within those shapefiles is Tax Account, titled TaxAcct, and Parcel ID, titled Name. The mean nitrogen loading data is titled TN_Load_Me.
After loading the shapefile into ArcGIS, a quick method of totaling the nitrogen loading is to select the parcels to be included within a proposed septic system connection or upgrade project. Then open the Statistics tool under the Selection menu. Within the Statistics tool, select the correct Layer and Field. The Sum value will be a total of mean nitrogen loading for all selected parcels.
ArcGIS-Based Nitrate Load Estimation Toolkit is a Florida Department of Environmental Protection approved modeling software that allows us to estimate nitrate and ammonia loading to groundwater from septic systems. This tool models nitrogen movement and denitrification within the vadose zone and groundwater. Brevard County contracted Applied Ecology, Inc., to execute and calibrate the model based on local soil type and groundwater data.
For any questions about calculating the loads for septic system projects, please contact Anthony Gubler at
Please ensure the following information, as available, is provided for each project. Email it with the subject “SOIRL Application Supplement for (Insert Project Name)” to Terri Breeden at after completing the project submission. Incomplete submittals will not be considered by the Citizen Oversight Committee.
- Fully completed online application.
- Geographic Information System map showing the project location with drainage basin for stormwater projects (or Portable Document Format if Geographic Information System is not available).
- Stormwater calculations to determine the starting loads and estimated load reductions.
- Exhibit or conceptual drawing of the project, if available.
- Site-specific sampling data, if available.
- ArcGIS-Based Nitrate Load Estimation Toolkit loads for septic and sewer projects.
Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal Efficiency Project Type Total Nitrogen Removal Efficiency Total Phosphorus Removal Efficiency Source Wet detention ponds 8%-44%; formula: (43.75*detention time in days)/(4.38 + detention time in days) 45%-75%; formula: 44.53+6.146*natural log for detention time in days+0.145*(natural log of detention time in days^2) March 2010 Florida Department of Environmental Protection and Water Management Districts Environmental Resource Permit Stormwater Quality Applicant's Handbook Off-line retention 40%-84%; formula: 0.3178 * natural log of inches of retention + 0.8405 40%-84%; formula: 0.3178 * natural log of inches of retention + 0.8405 Florida Department of Environmental Protection evaluation/regression of Harper and Baker 2007 On-line retention 30%-74%; formula: 0.3178 * natural log of inches of retention + 0.7405 30%-74%; formula: 0.3178 * natural log of inches of retention + 0.7405 Florida Department of Environmental Protection evaluation/regression of Harper and Baker 2007 Grass swales with swale blocks or raised culverts Use on-line retention Use on-line retention Florida Department of Environmental Protection evaluation/regression of Harper and Baker 2007 Grass swales without swale blocks or raised culverts Use 50% of on-line retention Use 50% of on-line retention Florida Department of Environmental Protection evaluation/regression of Harper and Baker 2007 Dry detention 10% 10% Florida Department of Environmental Protection evaluation/regression of Harper and Baker 2007 2nd generation baffle box 19.05% 15.50% Final Report Contract S0236 Effectiveness of Baffle Boxes 2nd generation baffle box plus media filter BMPTRAINS model BMPTRAINS model Final Report Contract S0236 Effectiveness of Baffle Boxes Stormwater reuse Estimate annual load of stormwater (and percentage of total if not 100%) not discharged because used for irrigation Estimate annual load of stormwater (and percentage of total if not 100%) not discharged because used for irrigation Evaluated on case-by-case basis Alum injection 50% 90% Harper et. al. 1998 Floating islands/managed aquatic plant systems 10% removal with 5% pond coverage 10% removal with 5% pond coverage University of Central Florida studies Treatment trains Treatment Train equation: Efficiency = Efficiency1 +((1-Efficiency1) *Efficiency2) or BMPTRAINS model Treatment Train equation: Efficiency = Efficiency1 +((1-Efficiency1) *Efficiency2) or BMPTRAINS model Draft Stormwater Treatment Applicant’s Handbook, March 2010; University of Central Florida Stormwater Management Academy BMPTRAINS model Denitrification walls Case-by-case depending on quantitative data Case-by-case depending on quantitative data Determined on case-by-case basis Permeable pavement BMPTRAINS model BMPTRAINS model University of Central Florida Stormwater Management Academy BMPTRAINS 2020 or newer model Bioswales BMPTRAINS model BMPTRAINS model University of Central Florida Stormwater Management Academy BMPTRAINS 2020 or newer model Green roofs BMPTRAINS model BMPTRAINS model University of Central Florida Stormwater Management Academy BMPTRAINS 2020 or newer model Bioretention basins/rain gardens BMPTRAINS model BMPTRAINS model University of Central Florida Stormwater Management Academy BMPTRAINS 2020 or newer model Tree boxes BMPTRAINS model BMPTRAINS model University of Central Florida Stormwater Management Academy BMPTRAINS 2020 or newer model Buffers BMPTRAINS model BMPTRAINS model University of Central Florida Stormwater Management Academy BMPTRAINS 2020 or newer model Biosorption activated media BMPTRAINS model BMPTRAINS model University of Central Florida Stormwater Management Academy BMPTRAINS 2020 or newer model or site-specific measured data and engineering designs and depth of media Wastewater treatment facility upgrade to improve reclaimed water Difference in loading (flow times concentration) before and after upgrade times a 75% attenuation factor Difference in loading (flow times concentration) before and after upgrade times a 75% attenuation factor Save Our Indian River Lagoon Project Plan Sewer lateral rehabilitation pilot 160 pounds per year of total nitrogen reduced per 1,000 homes that make repairs or replacements Not applicable Based on estimates from Hurricane Irma overflows Rapid infiltration basin or sprayfield upgrade 83% removal, applied to current load times a 60% attenuation factor 66% removal, applied to current load times a 60% attenuation factor City of DeLand and University of Central Florida 2018 Septic system removal by sewer extension or connection ArcGIS-Based Nitrate Load Estimation Toolkit Model for Brevard County Not applicable Applied Ecology, Inc. Septic system upgrade 50% Not applicable Florida Department of Health 2015 Muck removal Area dredged (acre) times the muck flux rate (480 for canals; 329 for discrete; or 89 for continuous) times a 70% efficiency rate Area dredged (acre) times the muck flux rate (30 for canals; 18 for discrete; or 6 for continuous) times a 70% efficiency rate Fox and Trefry, 2023 Treatment of muck interstitial water Target of 3 milligrams per liter of total nitrogen in treated interstitial water Target of 0.1 milligrams per liter of total phosphorus in treated interstitial water Based on treatment technology Oyster reefs Area (square feet) times the reduction rate of 0.04 pounds per year per square foot Area (square feet) times the reduction rate of 0.001 pounds per year per square foot Schmidt and Gallagher 2017; Kellogg et. al. 2013 Planted Shorelines Length (feet) times the reduction rate of 0.067 pounds per feet per year Length (feet) times the reduction rate of 0.023 pounds per feet per year Forand et. al. 2014 with adjustments Vegetation Harvesting Based on total mass of material collected, type of plant(s), and associated nutrient content in dry material Based on total mass of material collected, type of plant(s), and associated nutrient content in dry material Florida Department of Environmental Protection Statewide Best Management Practice (BMP) Efficiencies for Nonpoint Source Management of Surface Waters Draft – July 2018
Project Types
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