Cocoa Beach's Convair Cove LID Project Underway

The contract has been executed for the Convair Cove Low Impact Development (LID) project.  The City of Cocoa Beach will construct a Low Impact Development (LID) treatment train to reduce both the storm runoff volume and nutrient loading to the receiving water, while also protecting the barrier island’s surficial aquifer. The LID project will remove
impervious coverage from both project sub-basins and replace it with an interlocking pervious paver system. Effluent from this system will be collected at both ends sub-grade into a rain tank system. From there, the water will flow through a bioactivated media (BAM) denitrification layer and into a native plant landscaped bioretention area.Once complete this project will remove and estimated 59 pounds of nitrogen and 6 pounds of phosphorus annually.