Brevard County Emergency Medical Services

Assistant Chief of EMS Operations Orlando J. Dominguez, Jr.

Orlando J. Dominguez, Jr.
Assistant Chief of Emergency Medical Services Operations

Thank you for visiting Brevard County Fire Rescue’s (BCFR) Emergency Medical Services (EMS) webpage and allowing us the opportunity to share with you the state-of-the-art training we offer our employees to better serve the residents and visitors of Brevard County. Brevard County Emergency Medical Services administration is the sole 9-1-1 ambulatory provider for Brevard County. What makes our organization stand out as one of the top Emergency Medical Services providers in the state of Florida is our 31 Emergency Medical Services transport units, advanced medical equipment, progressive medical protocols, unwavering commitment to continuous quality improvement and our unwavering men and women who are ready to serve you should you require our Emergency Medical Services services. If it's a medical or traumatic emergency, man-made or natural disaster, rest assure when seconds count, you can count on us!

Brevard County Emergency Medical Services Medical Director Team

Peter M. Antevy, M.D.

Peter M. Antevy, MD
Chief Medical Officer

Peter M. Antevy, MD is a Pediatric Emergency Medicine (EM) physician, founder and CMO of Pediatric Emergency Standards, Inc. and President of C3MD, Inc. and serves as the medical director for multiple EMS agencies throughout Florida. He has published numerous articles and studies renowned by physicians and his achievements have earned such accolades as 2018 NAEMT National Medical Director of the Year.

John McPherson, M.D.

John McPherson, MD
Medical Director

John McPherson, MD has been a Licensed Florida Physician since 1992. He is also a member of the Florida Association of EMS Medical Directors with over 23 years of service as the medical director for Brevard County Fire Rescue and other local municipalities. Dr. McPherson was awarded the Florida Department of Health’s 2020 Raymond H. Alexander – EMS Medical Direction State Award.

Paul E. Pepe, M.D., M.P.H.

Paul E. Pepe, MD, MPH
Associate Medical Director

Paul E. Pepe, MD, MPH, is a public health and public safety leader who has pioneered many multi-disciplinary advances in critical care, emergency services and disaster medicine over the past four decades. He is the founder and program director of the world-renowned EMS State of the Science: Gathering of Eagles conferences and also serves as Medical Director for several agencies nationwide.

Robert Ford, D.O.

Robert Ford, DO
Associate Medical Director

Robert Ford, DO is an Emergency Medicine Specialist and currently serves as the ED Medical Director and Chairman for Rockledge Regional Medical Center as well as the Medical Director for Indian River Shores EMS. He brings more than 12 years of diverse experience to the department including neuroprotective CPR and ultrasound technology training.

LeeAnne Martin-Lee, M.D.

LeeAnne Martin-Lee, MD
Associate Medical Director

LeeAnne Martin-Lee, MD is an emergency medicine physician and has been in practice for more than 20 years. She currently serves as the Medical Director for Coastal Health Systems of Brevard.

Gregory Cuculino, M.D.

Richard Giroux, DO
Associate Medical Director

Richard Giroux, DO, is the Medical Director for Transportation and Associate Medical Director of the Aeromedical Program for South Florida Hospital as well as multiple EMS Agencies. He has been practicing for over eight years and currently serves as the Vice Chairman of the Florida Association of EMS Medical Directors.

Fire Rescue Vehicles
Rescue Unit with Gear
Fire Medics on Scene
2015 Florida Emergency Medical Services Provider of the Year
Gold Emergency Medical Services 2018 Mission Lifeline Award. American Heart Association.
2019 Mission Lifeline. Gold Plus Emergency Medical Services Award. American Heart Association.
American Heart Association. 2022 Mission Lifeline. Silver Plus. Emergency Medical Services.
American Heart Association. 2023 Mission Lifeline. Gold E.M.S. Award.
2024 Assessment Participant Virtual Coin

Notice of Privacy Practices

Brevard County Fire Rescue is required by law to maintain the privacy of certain confidential health care information, known as Protected Health Information or PHI, and to provide you with a notice of our legal duties and privacy practices with respect to your PHI.

Total Quality Management Team

Emergency Medical Services Total Quality Management

EMS (Emergency Medical Services) Total Quality Management system is an integral part of all aspects of patient care. In addition, the division uses the Lean Six Sigma methodology as part of its total quality management system and continuous improvement initiatives.

These areas include documentation, Advanced and Basic life support skills, patient assessment and compliance to standing orders. This division ensures that EMS delivery provided by the department meets approved State and local mandated standards, keeps abreast of changes and advances in the medical community, and continues to provide quality service and promote medical advancements as they occur within Fire EMS.

Brevard County Fire Rescue Vehicle

Mobile Integrated Healthcare and Community Outreach & Education

The goal of the Brevard County Emergency Medical Services department is to ensure that our citizens and guests receive the best emergency care possible during an emergency. It is important to ensure that the appropriate resources are dispatched to those in need of assistance. There are some instances when emergency services are not needed; nevertheless, the caller may require some non-medical assistance. The Community Health Resource Program (CHRP) was created to meet those demands as part of a mobile integrated healthcare system. The goal is to provide the necessary resources to those individuals who don't have an emergent medical need yet may need assistance in obtaining shelter, meals, prescription medications, and other non-medical needs.

Hands on a C P R dummy and someone applying a turnoquet.

Push for Life, Stop the Bleed

Since January 2017, Brevard County Emergency Medical Services has been hosting every other month an hour-long class for all county employees on Hands-Only CPR and hemorrhage control as part of their "Push for Life, Stop the Bleed" initiative. Hands only CPR is a quick and effective way to help maximize survival of a person suffering from sudden cardiac arrest. The class demonstrates the benefits and techniques associated with Hands-Only CPR along with several methods of how to control hemorrhage in the workplace. The class has been streamlined by the EMS Community Health Resource Program Coordinator, who hopes to expand the program into the community in the future. For more information, please contact the Office of EMS.

CPR training Instructor
Cadaver lab training
Resuscitation Academy training
Resuscitation Academy Logo

Florida Resuscitation Academy

Brevard County Fire Rescue is the only department in Central Florida who offer components of an effective High-Performance CPR (HPCPR) and emphasis on CPR metrics, assessing performance and providing feedback. Training includes:

  • Intro to HPCPR, understanding the “Big Picture”.
  • The Science of CPR.
  • Hands on practice and feedback to perfect your skills as an instructor.
  • Step by step hands on practice and presentation of each HPCPR module
  • Learn how to present this course to your agencies.
  • Basic and Advanced life support integration and practice.

The goal of the Resuscitation Academy is to improve the survival rate of the patient from cardiac arrest using the program conducted by Seattle Medic One and King County Emergency Medical Service.

Florida Resuscitation Academy Logo
Instructor training class
Employee C P R training
Hands on C P R Leaders
Hands on C P R

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