Valkaria Airport
Welcome to Valkaria, we are located in the southeast portion of Brevard County and nine miles south of Melbourne, Florida. Valkaria Airport is located approximately one-half mile west of the community of Valkaria, on Valkaria Road, approximately 1.7 miles west of U.S. 1. Valkaria Airport serves the needs of Recreational & General Aviation Flying.

Existing Facilities
Valkaria Airport is served by two intersecting runways. These Runways are Runway 10/28, and 14/32, which are 4000 feet long. The Airport currently has 71 full size hangers. The Airport is owned and operated by Brevard County.
Valkaria Airport is equipped with a Super AWOS (Automated Weather Observation System) that gives current weather at the field. To obtain the weather, click three times on frequency 119.525 MHz or you can stream up to date weather data .