Environmental Permitting Regulations

Aquifer ProtectionChapter 62, Article X, Division 2The purpose and intent of this ordinance is to protect the function of designated aquifer recharge areas.
Coastal Setback and Control LinesChapter 62, Article XIIThe intent of this ordinance is to regulate construction along our Atlantic coastline. The ordinance contains standards for construction and establishes a building setback line.
Fertilizer OrdinanceChapter 46, Article XIIIThis ordinance regulates and promotes the proper use of fertilizers by any applicator; requires notice to consumers signage at fertilizer retail locations; requires proper training of commercial and institutional fertilizer applicators; establishes training and licensing requirements; establishes a prohibited application period; specifies allowable fertilizer application rates and methods; fertilizer-free zones; low maintenance zones; and exemptions.
Floodplain ProtectionChapter 62, Article X, Division 5The purpose and intent of this ordinance is to protect and restore the natural functions of floodplains within the county, and to establish standards for development in floodplains and floodprone areas.
Lake Washington AreaChapter 46 , Article II, Division 3This ordinance affects all properties within the unincorporated area of Brevard County within two (2) miles of Lake Washington, west of I-95, and within the riverine floodplain of the St. Johns River. It sets additional standards for development in the sensitive areas near the primary drinking water supply for Central and South Brevard.
Land Alteration (Sand Mines or Borrow Pits)Chapter 62, Article XIII, Division 4The purpose of this ordinance is to establish criteria for excavation, filling, and reclamation of lands in the county for the removal or deposition of such materials as vegetation, clay, shell, sand, gravel, marl, stone, rock, minerals and similar materials.
Land Clearing, Landscaping and Tree ProtectionChapter 62, Article XIII, Division 2This ordinance establishes land use regulations that support and enforce the following community goals: 1) Promote the establishment, management and conservation of native vegetative communities; 2) Promote visual and aesthetic buffers between land uses; 3) Encourage the protection of Heritage or Specimen Trees; 4) Promote water conservation and aquifer recharge; 5) Encourage creative landscape designs; 6) Protect life and property by appropriately planting trees and vegetation; 7) Preserve and enhance property values; 8) Control soil erosion and mitigate heat, air and water pollution; 9) Provide regulations that are user-friendly, flexible and minimize conflicts with other land development regulations while protecting property rights.
Manatee Protection Plan On January 16, 2003, the Board of County Commissioners adopted the Brevard County Manatee Protection Plan (MPP) which was subsequently approved by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission on February 7, 2003. If you would like to request a copy of the Brevard County Manatee Protection Plan, please call (321) 633-2016.
Nitrogen Reduction OverlayChapter 46, Article II, Division 4This ordinance establishes a nitrogen reduction overlay area for new septic systems, and establishes minimum standards regarding the use of alternative onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems within the county to mitigate the impact of nitrogen in ground water in the Indian River Lagoon.
Private LakesChapter 62, Article XIII, Division 5This ordinance regulates the location and construction of private lakes and ponds utilized as sources of fill for on-site development or as on-site aesthetic or recreational amenities.
Surface Water Protection Chapter 62, Article X, Division 3The purpose of this ordinance is to protect the quality and natural functions of surface waters within the county. The ordinance establishes standards for development in and adjacent to waters of the Indian River Lagoon system and Lake Washington.
Water Source Heat PumpsChapter 62, Article X, Division 7This ordinance establishes installation standards for water-source heat pumps that encourage water conservation practices and provide regulations and controls with necessary enforcement mechanisms for those standards.
Wetland ProtectionChapter 62, Article X, Division 4This ordinance contains land use criteria for development in and adjacent to wetlands; and codifies the “no-net-loss” of wetland function policies contained in the Brevard County Comprehensive Plan.