Brevard Marine Advisory Council Bylaws
For the purpose of effectively defining the duties and responsibilities of the Brevard County Marine Advisory Council and increasing the efficiency in serving in an advisory capacity to the Board of County Commissioners and the Parks and Recreation Department. The Brevard County Marine Advisory Council adopts the following By-Laws/Rules and Regulations in accordance with and governed by Resolution 99-258, ordered and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners, Brevard County, Florida, in regular session the 9th day of November, 1999 AD and by Resolution 01-216 ordered and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners, in regular session on the 8th day of May, 2001 AD:
Changes to the By-laws
Resolution 01-216 - amended Resolution 99-258 to add a mission statement and scope of work.
Resolution 06-115 - amended Resolutions 99-258 and 01-216 to realign the Brevard County Marine Advisory Council's administration responsibilities from the Parks and Recreation Department to the Agricultural and Extension Services Office and the support functions from the Parks and Recreation Department to the Natural Resources Management Office.
Section 1.
The name of this organization shall be the Brevard County Marine Advisory Council.
ARTICLE II Board Membership
Section 1.
Membership on the Brevard County Marine Advisory Council shall be determined by the appointment of two (2) members by each County Commissioner, and each Council member will serve a one (1) year term in accordance with the Rules and Regulations for advisory boards as determined by the Board of County Commissioners.
Section 2.
The Parks and Recreation Department Director, or designee shall attend all regular sessions of the Advisory Council, and same shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Council.
ARTICLE III Board Officers
Section 1.
The officers of the Advisory Council shall be a Chairman and Vice-Chairman, each of whom will serve in these capacities during their respective terms of office. The officers shall be elected annually by the Advisory Council members.
Section 2.
In the event of the resignation of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman will assume that office and the Advisory Council shall elect a new Vice-Chairman to complete the remainder of the term.
Section 3.
The Parks Support Services Administrative Secretary, or designee, shall serve in the capacity of the Advisory Council Executive Secretary.
ARTICLE IV Duties of Board
Section 1.
The Advisory Council Chairman shall preside over all meetings, and perform such duties as may be determined by the Advisory Council to be in furtherance of the goals of said Board. The Chairman shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
Section 2.
The Advisory Council Executive Secretary shall notify all Council members and the offices of each County Commissioner of all meetings; shall prepare an agenda in consultation with the Advisory Council members and communicate same to each member one week prior to meetings by the most expedient means possible. Reports and any other pertinent information shall also accompany said notification. The Executive Secretary to the Council will keep minutes of the Advisory Council meetings, conduct such correspondence as the Advisory Council may direct, shall forward copies of all minutes to each County Commissioner and shall perform such other duties as determined by the Advisory Council.
Section 3.
The Advisory Council shall assist the Board of County Commissioners and the Parks and Recreation Director in the planning and research functions allied to its aim and purposes, and make an annual input during the budget process toward the needs of the Council.
ARTICLE V Duties of Parks and Recreation Director
Section 1.
The Parks and Recreation Director, or designee, shall make the Board of County Commissioners aware of the recommendations of the Advisory Council; shall serve as technical advisor to the same; and promote the provision(s) of satisfactory marine opportunities for all residents of Brevard County, Florida. These duties shall be classified as follows:
- Administration:
To administer the work of the Advisory Council in accordance with the policies established by said Board; to create and supervise an efficient organization to the end that maximum service will be provided to all residents at reasonable cost. - Planning and Research:
To conduct studies of local marine conditions and needs affecting immediate and long range plans to meet these needs; to check the effectiveness of the Advisory Council's services; and to keep informed as to development in the marine field. - Public Relations:
To interpret the overall program, its philosophy and objectives through every suitable means; to establish and maintain cooperative planning and working relationships with all community agencies, governmental and private. - Program:
To develop a broad program of activities and services; to meet needs and desires of residents and visitors; and to coordinate the organization and conduct of the overall marine program. - Finance:
To direct the expenditures of funds allocated to Brevard County in furtherance of the program, in accordance with budget appropriations and the policies of the finance structure of the Board of County Commissioners; to prepare budget estimates as needed; and to supervise the maintenance of complete and accurate records for the Advisory Council. - Areas and Facilities:
To recommend or direct, where appropriate, the acquisition, design, construction, and operation of marine-related areas and facilities under the control of the Advisory Council; and to arrange for their proper maintenance and operation where required. - Records and Reports:
Records and Reports: To keep careful and complete records of Advisory Council activities and services, and to prepare regular and special reports as may be requested or required.
ARTICLE VI Board Meetings
Section 1.
Regular meetings of the Advisory Council shall be held monthly on specific days. Times and locations as determined by the Advisory Council in conjunction with the Parks and Recreation Department, will be specified unless otherwise ordered. Special meetings may be held at any time and place at the call of the Chairman or upon request of at least two (2) members of the Advisory Council.
Section 2.
A quorum shall consist of a majority of the members of the Advisory Council.
Section 3.
The Order of Business of the Advisory Council shall be:
- Call to Order
- Approval of Minutes
- Agenda Items
- Old Business
- Action
- Reports
- Attendance Review
- Public Input
- Adjournment
Section 4.
The rules governing excused and non-excused absences from Advisory Council meetings shall be as promulgated by Brevard County.
Section 5.
Advisory Council meetings will be conducted under Robert's Rules of Order.
ARTICLE VII Committees
Section 1.
The Chairman or his/her designee shall appoint such committees as may be necessary. However, said committees shall be appointed only in accordance to real need on either a continuous basis or as needed for a specific time and project.
Section 2.
The Chairman and the Parks and Recreation Director, or designee, shall be ex-officio members of all committees and shall be notified of all meetings.
ARTICLE VIII Miscellaneous
Section 1.
The entire membership of the Advisory Council shall consider it a civic duty to attend all meetings and shall endeavor to make fair and just decisions to the benefit of all Brevard County residents, and shall aid in interpreting to the public at large the objectives of the programs and issues of Brevard County as it pertains to marine matters.
Section 2.
The Advisory Council shall make recommendations relative to the planning, policies, and conduct of diversified marine programs and services and the development of same to the Board of County Commission through the Director of the Parks and Recreation Department.
Section 3.
Advisory Council members shall represent the citizens as a whole and serve as liaison between the public and the County Commission; prepare recommendations which are conducive to the benefit of the people and the marine-interest field as a whole; and submit same to the County Commission through the Director of the Parks and Recreation Department.
Section 4.
The Advisory Council serves in an advisory capacity to the County Commission, in liaison with the Parks and Recreation Department, and shall not assume any administrative tasks except through the Parks and Recreation Director, or designee.
Section 5.
A major function of the Advisory Council shall be to serve in a public relations role to the general public, interpreting the total services and problems of marine nature and reporting to the Parks and Recreation Department and the Board of County Commissioners.
ARTICLE IX Amendments
Section 1.
These Rules and Regulations may be amended at any regular meeting of the Brevard County Marine Advisory Council by a two-thirds vote, providing that the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting.
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